
Retinal Dystrophy

About the Disease
Fundus Dystrophy, also known as retinal dystrophy, is related to senior-loken syndrome 1 and leber plus disease. An important gene associated with Fundus Dystrophy is TIMP3 (TIMP Metallopeptidase Inhibitor 3), and among its related pathways/superpathways are Visual phototransduction and Ciliopathies. The drugs Cysteine and Pharmaceutical Solutions have been mentioned in the context of this disorder. Affiliated tissues include bone marrow, retina and eye, and related phenotypes are no effect and no effect

Common Targets
OTX2 | OFD1 | MYO7A | SPATA7 | LRRTM4 | TTR | FDXR | COL18A1 | CNGA3 | ACE | DHX29 | FAM161A | GUCY2D | CTNNA1 | TTC21B | CHM | PRPH2 | SNRNP200 | MITF | ITM2B | NPHP4 | VPS13B | BBS2 | CEP83 | PDE6A | CYP4V2 | LRP5 | CLN3 | TRPM1 | OAT | RAX2 | RHO | SRD5A3 | COL9A1 | RPGRIP1 | CRX | LCA5 | CERKL | GRK1 | ROM1 | NMNAT1 | IFT81 | RS1 | TOPORS | PRPF8 | FLVCR1 | GUCA1A | MKS1 | CFAP20 | PNPLA6 | IMPDH1 | DRAM2 | CEP290 | PCDH15 | RD3 | OPN1LW | IQCB1 | CACNA2D4 | ADGRA3 | FSCN2 | TULP1 | PDE6B | ABCA4 | ADGRV1 | PRPF31 | RCBTB1 | BBS5 | EFEMP1 | PCYT1A | RLBP1 | MERTK | GUCA1B | NRL | EYS | ALMS1 | SLC19A2 | MTSS1 | ARHGEF18 | RP1 | IMPG2 | PROM1 | HPS1 | RP2 | USH2A | PRDM13 | CDHR1 | RDH12 | ADAM9 | C1QTNF5 | BEST1 | MAPKAPK3 | RPGR | TTC8 | CNGB1 | OPN1SW | SDCCAG8 | PCARE | TTLL5 | CRB1 | ADAMTS18 | CNNM4 | PIBF1 | CLRN1 | CEP164 | EMC1 | WHRN | ATF6 | PDE6G | CFAP410 | KIZ | PEX6 | LRAT | RPE65 | TRNL1 | BBS4 | CC2D2A | NYX | KATNIP | TUB | IFT140 | BBS1 | RP1L1 | CACNA1F | PRPF3 | VCAN | ARL2 | SLC7A14 | NR2E3 | INPP5E | CEP78 | E2F1 | AHI1 | CNGB3 | SLC24A1

Retinal Dystrophy

Note: If you'd like to get a target analysis report for Retinal Dystrophy, or if you are interested to learn how our AI-powered BDE-Chem can design therapeutic molecules to interact with the target(s) above against the disease of Retinal Dystrophy at a cost 90% lower than traditional approaches, please feel free to contact us at BD@silexon.ai.

Other Diseases

Pityriasis Rubra Pilaris | Li-Fraumeni Syndrome | Chromosome 5q Deletion Syndrome | Arthrogryposis | Sporadic Hemiplegic Migraine | Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy | Hereditary Mixed Polyposis Syndrome | Anterior Segment Dysgenesis | Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy 1 | Chondroma | Congenital Stromal Corneal Dystrophy | Agoraphobia | Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia | Kohlschutter-Tonz Syndrome | IgA Nephropathy | Motor Neuron Diseases | Parkinson's Disease | Mixed Connective Tissue Disease | Epidermolysis Bullosa Simplex, Generalized | Acne | Pericarditis | Preaxial Polydactyly | Sandhoff Disease | Leukoplakia | Cerebral Cavernous Malformations | 3-methylglutaconic Aciduria Type I | Vitelliform Macular Dystrophy | Infantile Nephropathic Cystinosis | Botulism | Bronchitis, Chronic | Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 38 | Varicocele | Sleep Apnea, Obstructive | Epidermolysis Bullosa Dystrophica | Hyperbilirubinemia, Neonatal | Bronchiolitis | Dermatomyositis | Brachydactyly | Intellectual Disability, Autosomal Dominant 5 | Central Retinal Artery Occlusion | VACTERL/VATER Association | Acromesomelic Dysplasia | Fontaine Progeroid Syndrome | Loeys-Dietz Syndrome Type 4 | Angiodysplasia | Xeroderma Pigmentosum | Rhizomelic Chondrodysplasia Punctata | Tuberculous Meningitis | Hypersensitivity | Chronic Kidney Disease | Ectodermal Dysplasia | Bladder Exstrophy | Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Type 2T | Greenberg Dysplasia | Osmotic Demyelination Syndrome | Oligoastrocytoma | Macrophagic Myofasciitis | Arthritis, Reactive | Androgenic Alopecia | Ligneous Conjunctivitis | Headache | Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia | Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia | Metanephric Adenoma | Impulse Control Disorder | Corneal Dystrophy And Perceptive Deafness | Primary Progressive Nonfluent Aphasia | Cholera | Sialoadenitis | Stomatitis | Ovarian Sex Cord-stromal Tumor | Diabetes Type 1 | Azoospermia | Cartilage Disorders | Nephritis, Interstitial | Sarcoma, Endometrial Stromal | Acute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosis | Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome | Glomerulonephritis | Glucagonoma | Hemangioblastoma | Cousin Syndrome | Colitis | Platyspondylic Lethal Skeletal Dysplasia, Torrance Type | Hereditary Sensory And Autonomic Neuropathy | Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome | Hypophosphatemic Rickets, Autosomal Recessive, 1 | Familial Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy | Diabetes | Sclerocornea | Menetrier Disease | Mabry Syndrome | ACTH-independent Macronodular Adrenal Hyperplasia | Craniometaphyseal Dysplasia | Poikiloderma With Neutropenia | Alopecia Areata | Progressive Myoclonic Epilepsy | Osteoglophonic Dysplasia | Gestational Trophoblastic Disease | Glioma | Heterotopic Ossification | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome | Presbyopia | Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy | Seasonal Mood Disorder | Oculopharyngeal Muscular Dystrophy | Focal Cortical Dysplasia Type 2 | Anosmia, Congenital | Arthritis, Psoriatic | Neurotoxicity | Episodic Ataxia Type 1 | Anorectal Fistula | Spermatocele | Nemaline Myopathy | Oculocutaneous Albinism Type 4 | Nager Acrofacial Dysostosis | Achondrogenesis | Sepiapterin Reductase Deficiency | Keratosis, Actinic | Chorea | Fabry's Disease | Renal Hypouricemia | Trismus-pseudocamptodactyly Syndrome | Zygomycosis | Congenital Mirror Movements | Carney Triad | Medium-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency | Encephalocele | Hepatitis, Alcoholic | DICER1 Syndrome | Pleural Tuberculosis | Sotos Syndrome | Epiphyseal Chondrodysplasia, Miura Type | Alpha-thalassemia Myelodysplasia Syndrome | Tylosis With Esophageal Cancer | Polymicrogyria | Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome | Inflammatory Myopathy | Milk Allergy | Axenfeld-Rieger Syndrome | Wagner Disease | B-cell Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia | Short-chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency | Hypersomnia | Spondylo-ocular Syndrome | Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy | Polyarteritis Nodosa | Hernia, Inguinal | Glioblastoma | Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy | Vitamin A Deficiency | Neurocutaneous Syndromes | Ependymoma | Renal Hypomagnesemia 3 | Adenomatoid Tumor | Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome | Osteomyelitis | Anal Fissure | Nephrotic Syndrome Type 1 | Papilledema | Thromboembolism | Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia 1 | Heart Failure | Meesmann Corneal Dystrophy | Focal Facial Dermal Dysplasia | Congenital Muscular Dystrophy | Rheumatoid Arthritis | Fanconi Syndrome | Spondylocostal Dysostosis | Syphilis | Anodontia | Learning Disability | Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy 4 | Hyperlipidemia, Familial Combined | Carcinoid Syndrome | Acquired Partial Lipodystrophy | Blepharoconjunctivitis | Familial Dysautonomia | Panuveitis | Biotinidase Deficiency | Addison Disease | Tyrosinemia | Chromosome 8q21.11 Deletion Syndrome | Congenital Bilateral Absence Of Vas Deferens | Gerodermia Osteodysplastica | Prolidase Deficiency | Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease Axonal Type 2N | Schizotypal Personality Disorder | Beare-Stevenson Syndrome | Astrocytoma | Asthma, Exercise-induced | Cranial Nerve Disease | IMAGe Syndrome | Diarrhea | Familial Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysm | Peyronie's Disease | Rhabdomyosarcoma | Uveitis, Anterior | Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome | Epidermal Nevus Syndrome | Meconium Ileus | Fundus Albipunctatus | Cyst | Eczema | Vasculitis | Atopy | Cardiac Sarcoidosis | Methemoglobinemia | Hyperparathyroidism-jaw Tumor Syndrome | Neurodevelopmental Disorder With Central Hypotonia And Dysmorphic Facies | Turner's Syndrome | Esophagitis, Eosinophilic | Mandibuloacral Dysplasia With Type A Lipodystrophy | Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome | Cancer, Skin | TARP Syndrome | Neurofibroma | Dental Caries | Gout | Heart Septal Defects | Diabetes Gestational | Schistosomiasis Mansoni | Sorsby Fundus Dystrophy | GLUT1 Deficiency Syndrome | Down Syndrome | Majeed Syndrome | Distal Myopathy 2 | Parvovirus B19 Infection | Systemic Lupus Erythematosus | Splenomegaly | Neurodermatitis | Leukoplakia, Oral | Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease | Pneumoconiosis | Benign Recurrent Intrahepatic Cholestasis 1 | Haim-Munk Syndrome | Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary | Communication Disorders | Pantothenate Kinase-associated Neurodegeneration | Marinesco-Sjogren Syndrome | Tumoral Calcinosis | Patent Foramen Ovale | Proopiomelanocortin Deficiency | Neutropenia | DNA Ligase IV Deficiency | Macular Degeneration | Renal Medullary Carcinoma | Cholelithiasis | PASLI Disease | Dementia, Vascular | Camptocormia | Danon Disease | Erythema Multiforme | Plasmacytoma | Congenital Poikiloderma | Cerebellar Ataxia, Cayman Type | Galloway-Mowat Syndrome | Gallstones | Pompe Disease | Primary Torsion Dystonia | Seizures | Mood Disorder | Fascioliasis | Brenner Tumor | Cerebrotendinous Xanthomatosis | Olmsted Syndrome | Angina Pectoris | Polymyalgia Rheumatica | Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome | Protein C Deficiency | Pneumonia, Viral | Congenital Primary Aphakia | Urea Cycle Disorder | Encephalopathy, Ethylmalonic | Focal Dermal Hypoplasia | Fucosidosis | Gastroschisis | Vitreoretinal Degeneration, Snowflake Type | Ocular Albinism Type 1 | Leri-Weill Dyschondrosteosis | Sensory Ataxic Neuropathy, Dysarthria, And Ophthalmoparesis | Hemochromatosis | Non-Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis | Usher Syndrome Type III | Hepatitis A | Keloid | Osteosclerosis | Multiple Sclerosis, Relapsing-remitting | Pouchitis | Chondrodysplasia Punctata 2, X-linked Dominant | Trichothiodystrophy | Infectious Diarrhea | Familial Mediterranean Fever | Avian Influenza | Shock, Cardiogenic | Leukocyte Adhesion Deficiency | Cardiomyopathy, Peripartum | Speech Disorders | Anorchia | Arts Syndrome | Familial Digital Arthropathy-brachydactyly | Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis | Congenital Central Hypoventilation Syndrome | Spinal And Bulbar Muscular Atrophy | Ileitis | Blue Nevus | Primary Familial Brain Calcification | Hereditary Neuropathy With Liability To Pressure Palsies | Celiac Disease | Riboflavin Transporter Deficiency Neuronopathy | Allan-Herndon-Dudley Syndrome | Guillain-Barre Syndrome | Tic Disorder | Dubin-Johnson Syndrome | Still Disease | Meningitis | X-linked Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease | Pyoderma Gangrenosum | Myopathy | Von Willebrand Disease | Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure | Epilepsy Of Infancy With Migrating Focal Seizures | AIDS Dementia Complex | REM Sleep Behavior Disorder | Scleroderma | Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 21 | Nephrocalcinosis | Rhinitis | Polyradiculopathy | Primary Pigmented Nodular Adrenocortical Disease | Usher Syndrome Type II | Cystitis | Mumps | Stargardt Disease | X-linked Myotubular Myopathy | Trichuriasis | Geleophysic Dysplasia | Succinic Semialdehyde Dehydrogenase Deficiency | Ellis-Van Creveld Syndrome | Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor | Myocarditis | Primary Hyperoxaluria | Colitis, Collagenous | Vitamin K Deficiency | Cluster Headache | Antisynthetase Syndrome | Optic Neuropathy | Corneal Ulcer | Essential Fructosuria | Prune Belly Syndrome | Lymphoma, Follicular | Familial Glucocorticoid Deficiency | Herpes Genitalis | Schaaf-Yang Syndrome | Urethritis | Donnai-Barrow Syndrome | Hypogonadism | Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 28 | Epilepsy, Generalized | Porokeratosis | Hypokalemia | Hypertension, Renal | LRBA Deficiency | Gaze Palsy, Familial Horizontal, With Progressive Scoliosis, 2 | Hypercholesterolemia, Familial | Schizophrenia, Paranoid | Aspartylglycosaminuria | Megalencephaly | Metachromatic Leukodystrophy | Polymyositis | Sjogren Syndrome | Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome | Coronary Heart Disease | Plasma Cell Leukemia | Frontotemporal Dementia With Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Ameloblastic Carcinoma | Coma | Carcinoma, Transitional Cell | Menkes Disease | Neuroblastoma | Okihiro Syndrome | Hypercalcemia | Rhabdomyosarcoma, Embryonal | Hypopigmentation | Bone Marrow Necrosis | Migraine | Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 5 | Pachyonychia Congenita | Infantile Refsum Disease | Stuve-Wiedemann Syndrome | Senior-Loken Syndrome | Dengue Shock Syndrome | Hyperferritinemia-cataract Syndrome | GNE Myopathy | Kabuki Syndrome 2 | Fibronectin Glomerulopathy | Adult Polyglucosan Body Disease | Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome | Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva | Stromal Corneal Dystrophy